
  • Collagen & MCT: Your Toolkit to Supercharge an Active Life image

    Collagen & MCT: Your Toolkit to Supercharge an Active Life

    How Collagen, Noble Collagen, and MCT Oil Support an Active Life
  • Is our collective love for festivals rooted in our innate tribal instincts? image

    Is our collective love for festivals rooted in our innate tribal instincts?

    The number of people attending festivals each year has been growing at a considerable rate over the last few decades. But what exactly is it that brings us together in our collective love for festivals, and could it be linked to our innate tribal instincts?
  • Chloe Pilates Q&A image

    Chloe Pilates Q&A

    Chloe Hodgson is a Stott-certified Pilates instructor who runs a popular online membership which offers Pilates classes, a monthly newsletter, and ...
  • Ateh Jewel Q&A image

    Ateh Jewel Q&A

    Ateh is renowned for her beaming smile and signature pink accessories, making her the human form of sunshine! She is a truly empowering individual who exudes vibrancy, self-expression, and joy - it’s no wonder we couldn’t wait to sit down with her. Read the journal. 
  • Electrolytes are not just for fitness enthusiasts… image

    Electrolytes are not just for fitness enthusiasts…

    Electrolytes are not just for fitness enthusiasts… We should all be aiming to drink enough water for our bodies. It’s one of the most effective yet simplest levers to pull to elevate your health. Read the journal by our Head of Nutrition, Jo Woodhurst. 
  • Susannah Taylor Q&A image

    Susannah Taylor Q&A

    Meet Susannah Taylor, a truly inspirational woman who embodies drive and ambition, a zest for life and the relentless pursuit of purpose. Read the journal. 
  • Find the Extraordinary in the Ordinary - The Pursuit of Ikigai image

    Find the Extraordinary in the Ordinary - The Pursuit of Ikigai

    Ikigai is a tool for finding more joy. It has been a guiding force for the Japanese people for centuries. Read the journal by our Head of Nutrition, Jo Woodhurst to discover more.
  • Maude Hirst Q&A image

    Maude Hirst Q&A

    Maude wants to facilitate others in slowing down, turning inward and incorporating these practices into their daily ritual. Read the journal. 
  • The Power of Rituals: Grounding pathways for a balanced life image

    The Power of Rituals: Grounding pathways for a balanced life

    Throughout history, humans have turned to rituals as anchors, creating sacred moments that connect us to ourselves, our communities, and the world around us. Could it be, in our whirlwind of a hyperconnected yet disconnected world, rituals are making a much needed comeback? Read the journal, by our Head of Nutrition, Jo Woodhurst. 
  • Tackling Hay fever Naturally: Your Guide to Allergy Relief image

    Tackling Hay fever Naturally: Your Guide to Allergy Relief

    As the warmth of spring ushers in blooming flowers and lush greenery, it also heralds the arrival of a less welcome guest: hay fever season. Read the journal, by Dr Jenna Macciochi.
  • Senses - the untapped health tool you have at your fingertips image

    Senses - the untapped health tool you have at your fingertips

    In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, the way we interact with the world around us is also transforming. The need to slow down, ground ourselves and reconnect with nature is greater than ever. Read the Journal, by Sarah Manzano. 
  • Embracing the Pause: A Journey of Empowerment through Menopause image

    Embracing the Pause: A Journey of Empowerment through Menopause

    In recent years, there has been a notable increase in awareness and education surrounding menopause. More shared experiences and a deeper understanding of what it means to cross the perimenopausal bridge has been life changing for so many women.
  • Q+A Owning Your Menopause image

    Q+A Owning Your Menopause

    Meet Kate Rowe Ham, a trailblazer in the realm of wellness and empowerment through the perimenopause and beyond.
  • Cacao vs Collagen image

    Cacao vs Collagen

    Who doesn’t love to hear that chocolate can help skin health? We’ve consulted our experts to understand the science behind the claims. 🙏
  • Q+A with Sophie Morgan image

    Q+A with Sophie Morgan

    It's safe to say we see Sophie Morgan as the true embodiment of the Brave Life. She has taken risks in her work and has overcome many challenges - which is why we couldn't wait to sit down with her to talk about what it means to her to live a brave and active lifestyle.
  • The Nutrition Team’s Favourite Products image

    The Nutrition Team’s Favourite Products

    Let’s open the office doors and hear from the nutrition team which product is their absolute favourite.. 
  • FAQs on our new Ritual - Noble Collagen image

    FAQs on our new Ritual - Noble Collagen

      Our new ritual has landed! Our innovative new product, Noble Collagen, is meticulously crafted to support joint health and enhance your mobility...
  • Q+A with Luke Worthington x Ancient + Brave image

    Q+A with Luke Worthington x Ancient + Brave

     Luke takes a unique and precise approach to the muscolo-skeletal system which is why we were excited to sit down with him for the launch of our new Noble Collagen capsule… 
  • Introducing our Noble Collagen Ambassador Dame Kelly Holmes image

    Introducing our Noble Collagen Ambassador Dame Kelly Holmes

    Dame Kelly Holmes, an iconic figure in the world of athletics, not only inspires us with her remarkable sporting achievements but also with her unw...
  • Everything you need to know about Type 1 + Type 2 collagen (and how they live in harmony) image

    Everything you need to know about Type 1 + Type 2 collagen (and how they live in harmony)

    Dip your toe in the world of collagen and you soon start to see that, beyond the well documented skin, joint and whole-body benefits, it’s more complex than expected. By our Head of Nutrition, Jo Woodhurst. 
  • An introduction to Noble Collagen: the next generation supplement in joint health image

    An introduction to Noble Collagen: the next generation supplement in joint health

    10 million people in the UK suffer from joint problems. This inspired the creation of Noble Collagen. A product designed with functional ingredients that not only support healthy mobile joints but enable the active lifestyle that all of us deserve. Read the journal, by our Head of Innovation, Dr Jenna Macciochi.
  • Enhancing Movement, Mobility and Recovery: The Essential Role of Collagen image

    Enhancing Movement, Mobility and Recovery: The Essential Role of Collagen

    In the tapestry of a healthy life, movement, mobility and recovery create the foundations of an active and ‘brave’ lifestyle. Read the journal, by our Head of Innovation, Jenna Macciochi. 
  • Sleep + Soothe: 8 Hero Ingredients For A Better Night's Sleep image

    Sleep + Soothe: 8 Hero Ingredients For A Better Night's Sleep

    The importance of a good night's rest cannot be overstated. It serves as the foundation of our overall health and well-being. Despite its significance, why are so many of us finding ourselves tossing and turning, unable to achieve the restorative sleep our bodies crave? Read the journal by our Head of Nutrition, Jo Woodhurst. 
  • Energy & Metabolism - 5 reasons your energy is low and how to turn up the dial image

    Energy & Metabolism - 5 reasons your energy is low and how to turn up the dial

     Many of us seem to be suffering the effects of an energy crisis within our own bodies. The causes can be anything from nutrient deficiencies, poor sleep, stress and even dehydration. In this article we’ll tap into some key tips to turn these around and support your energy and metabolism.
  • Focus + Cognition - the rise of nootropics image

    Focus + Cognition - the rise of nootropics

    In a world brimming with distractions, focus feels like a luxury saved for very few.  From the ping of notifications, boxset binges and demands of our to-do lists to the exhausting stimuli from our busy, noisy cities it’s no wonder we’re finding our attention has been stolen. Explore the journal by our Head of nutrition, Jo Woodhurst. 
  • Q+A with Shakira Akabusi (Strong Like Mum) image

    Q+A with Shakira Akabusi (Strong Like Mum)

    A Women’s Health Expert, founder and author of Strong Like Mum and a mother to 4 children, we couldn’t wait to take a moment to sit with Shakira to chat about how we can shatter that stereotype of ‘mums’ and see our inner power and strength.
  • Unlocking the Power of Adaptogens: Nature’s Natural Stress Busters image

    Unlocking the Power of Adaptogens: Nature’s Natural Stress Busters

    The term stress usually evokes images of endless to-do lists, sleepless nights, and a sense of feeling overwhelmed by life's demands. But it wasn’t always this way. Dr Jenna Macciochi, our Head of Innovation delves into natures natural stress busters.
  • Beauty from Within - Embracing Positive Aging in our Skin image

    Beauty from Within - Embracing Positive Aging in our Skin

    There’s a delicate, and sometimes difficult, balance of lovingly accepting the skin we are in and gracefully embracing the changes that come with age. Jo Woodhurst, Head of Nutrition discusses the key roles nutrition plays in the skin health. 
  • 5 Ways to Recover Gently in the Postnatal Phase image

    5 Ways to Recover Gently in the Postnatal Phase

    Kathryn Meadows, movement, strength and mobility coach discusses how to look after your own needs and recover gently in the postnatal phase.
  • The Wellness Breakdown Podcast with Rose Ferguson and Eve Kalinik image

    The Wellness Breakdown Podcast with Rose Ferguson and Eve Kalinik

    We’re delighted that The Wellness Breakdown Podcast is back with a new series. Rose Ferguson and Eve Kalinik explore the world of wellness from adrenal health and nutrition for fertility to intermittent fasting and how to choose the best bread.
  • The Transformative Power of Breathwork image

    The Transformative Power of Breathwork

    Head of Innovation Dr. Jenna Macciochi introduces us to the transformative power of breathwork for balance, revealing how this ancient practice can be a vital tool for navigating the modern world's chaos and calming the nervous system.
  • The Benefits of Matcha image

    The Benefits of Matcha

    Matcha is celebrated not only for its vibrant colour and flavour, but also for its myriad of health benefits. Discover the six benefits of making this nutritional powerhouse part of your daily ritual.


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