Kelly Holmes Machu Picchu Trek - Q+A

Kelly Holmes Machu Picchu Trek - Q+A


Huge congratulations on completing your trek! We have been keeping up with your journey and it looked like an incredible experience. Your decision to embark on this trek embodies that bravery we often talk about, and we find it truly inspiring. Could you tell us what inspired you to take on this particular challenge for your charity? Is there a deeper personal purpose behind it?

It is my 20 year anniversary of winning 2 Olympic Gold Medals and I wanted to do some amazing events to commemorate it. It was the most incredible experience - very spiritual and peaceful.

I have always wanted to go to Peru, and some of the team at my charity (the Dame Kelly Holmes Trust) asked me in 2023 if I would like to go as a way to commemorate this milestone year. The trust puts world class athletes shoulder to shoulder with young people. Equipping them with a winning mindset and shaping their futures - it's a teammate like no other. Whether that’s building relationship skills, improving self-esteem or learning to stay focused, their sporting champions help the next generation move forward with confidence.


At Ancient + Brave, we believe nutrition is essential for both performance and well-being. What role did nutrition play in your prep, and did you use any specific supplements or dietary practices to enhance your endurance and recovery?

I had a Half Marathon before I left for the trek so I had to be more particular about nutrition.

Jo and Jenna were fantastic at giving advice to myself and the team that signed up to come along with me to Peru. I have loved trying all the new products that A+B have, but for this particular challenge I was recommended a combination of True Hydration, The True Nightcap, True Creatine+ and True Collagen. These products have been instrumental in my fueling and recovery effectively during my own training prior to Peru but also along the way.

We were all unsure how we would deal with the altitude, the climate and staying hydrated but True Hydration really sorted us out, and True Creatine+ was great for keeping our energy and stamina up.



As someone who has faced many intense physical challenges, how did your mindset or preparation for this trek differ from your previous experiences? 

I knew it would be tough, as although I am very fit, this is something I had never done before. I was also told fit people could suffer with the altitude. You can train as much as you feel is necessary, but I don't think there is anything like actually being there and experiencing the different terrains and the different environment - both physically and psychologically. 


When reflecting on your experience of trekking through the demanding landscapes of Machu Picchu, were there any unexpected moments that really tested you? How did you stay motivated and brave in those tougher moments?

Trekking through the demanding landscapes was an unforgettable experience, but it definitely tested me in ways I hadn’t anticipated. The most unexpected challenge was battling altitude sickness for two and a half days - it hit me hard! On top of that, the intense heat drained my energy faster than I expected. 

True Creatine+ and MCT were also game-changers for giving me that much needed extra boost of energy. When I felt like I was running on empty, these supplements helped keep me strong.


What did this trek teach you about yourself, both mentally and physically?

This trek reminded me just how determined I am. Even when the altitude sickness hit hard, giving up was never an option.



Now that you’ve conquered this amazing trek, are there any other epic adventures or famous mountains on your bucket list?

Yes, I am going to St Lucia for their adventure week and climbing the two Pitons. I may also do Snowden just for a UK trip. I will be taking my Ancient + Brave products on every adventure - no doubt about it!  


At Ancient + Brave, we encourage everyone to embrace brave challenges for personal growth. What advice would you give to someone thinking about embarking on an adventure like this? 

Absolutely do it. You come back with a new mindset, friendships and fire in your belly to do more.  


How do you think taking on challenges like this trek serves as a metaphor for overcoming obstacles in life? How does bravery in both physical and mental challenges shape overall health and well-being?

Taking on challenges like this trek can be truly life-affirming. It’s not just about reaching the summit, but about committing to yourself and the journey, which builds a sense of pride and accomplishment. For me, it was also a powerful reset—mentally and physically. I came away from the experience feeling more prepared and energised, not just for the rest of the year but for everything 2025 has in store as well.

I’m incredibly grateful for the support of A+B products during the trek, they played a big part in keeping us all going.



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