Spring Equinox – The real new year

Spring Equinox – The real new year

Read time: 6 minutes 

"The first day of spring, the vernal equinox—the season of renewal when the earth sheds its winter cloak, flowers bloom, and the heart feels as though everything is once again imaginable."Galen Watson

Lighter mornings, warmer air, and the gentle sound of birdsong - we can already feel spring awakening all around us. We’re tucking away our winter coats, cracking open our windows and remembering what our sunglasses look like.

These simple joys remind us that we, too, are cyclical beings, moving in harmony with nature’s gentle transitions.

As the days stretch longer and nature stirs from its winter slumber, the Spring Equinox marks a powerful turning point - a moment to celebrate balance, reflection and renewal. 

Nature’s new year 

In the west, we often mark January 1st as the beginning of the year, setting new intentions and making lifestyle changes. But when you think about it, that cold, dark month isn’t exactly the best time to embrace new energy or start over. Winter is a time for stillness and hibernation, not for intense workouts and crash diets. 

This is why the Spring Equinox is often considered the real New Year - a natural time to reset and welcome fresh possibilities. As the earth bursts into bloom, we too are invited to align with its rhythms, stepping out of winter’s stillness and into a season of vibrant renewal.

Ostara: The ancient roots of the Spring Equinox

The Spring Equinox, falling on March 20th this year, has deep ties to ancient traditions, particularly through the celebration of Ostara, a Pagan festival that honours the goddess of spring and fertility.

Ostara is a joyful occasion celebrating the renewal of life, as we move from the darkness of winter into the light and warmth of spring. It was a time for feasts, rituals, and the welcoming of new life - symbolised by blooming flowers, the birth of animals, and the stirring of the earth itself.

The Spring Equinox represents…


A period of the year when everything feels in harmony. As yogi and spiritual leader Sadhguru explains, on the day of an equinox, "All the influences of the planet are at an equilibrium." Day and night are equal in length, reminding us of the beauty of balance.

This equinox bids farewell to winter and invites us to embrace new possibilities, giving us the opportunity to experience rebirth in many forms.


Many ancient cultures embraced the equinoxes as times for reflection and renewal. The Spring Equinox, in particular, was seen as a time to plant seeds - both literal and metaphorical. 

It was the perfect moment to sow our intentions, whether that’s new personal goals, spiritual growth, or simply reconnecting with the rhythms of nature. 

As spring continues its glorious awakening, we’d be wise to realign with the earth’s vibrations, remembering that we are part of nature and coexist with many other living beings.

Just as the earth begins to bloom, so too can our lives.

The Spring Equinox invites you to reflect - do I feel in harmony with myself and my surroundings?


With nature awakening around us, we, too, feel the intuitive need for a shift.

Shedding the heaviness of winter requires intention. Traditionally, this is a time to cleanse, nourishing our bodies with lighter foods, fresh greens, and cleansing herbs. Movement becomes essential, encouraging circulation and energy flow as we step into spring. 

Our spirits feel lighter, filled with excitement for what’s ahead. This transition isn’t just about the world outside; it’s a chance to nurture ourselves, physically and emotionally, and welcome the season’s renewed energy.

Spring equinox rituals

At Ancient + Brave, we honour the power of rituals and the wisdom of the seasons. The Spring Equinox is a wonderful time to reawaken, reset and replenish, embracing the beauty of new beginnings.

  • Enjoy a sunrise: Rise with the sun to welcome the day. It’s a simple, grounding way to mark the season of renewal.

  • Set intentions: What excites you about this new season? What do you want to invite into your life? What are your dreams? Whether it’s improved health, more quality time with loved ones, or the start of a creative project, the Spring Equinox is an ideal time to plant those seeds.

  • Reconnect with nature: Step outside and let the fresh air and sunlight revitalise your senses. Nature has a unique way of resetting our internal rhythms. Take a walk in the woods, pause to appreciate the sounds, colours, and life around you. It’s a reminder of the balance and interconnectedness of all things.

  • Plant seeds or garden: Whether you’re planting flowers or herbs, embrace the hands-on ritual of sowing seeds. It’s a beautiful metaphor for the intentions you’re nurturing in your life.

  • Spring cleaning: Our environment has a huge impact on our mood and mental state. A deep clean and a big clear out is very cathartic. But spring cleaning isn’t just about dusting; it’s a chance to reset your space and your mind.

  • Nourishment: As nature rejuvenates, so too should your body. Choose lighter, nutrient-dense foods to nourish and refresh. Opt for vibrant greens and hydrating fruits that align with the season of growth. Matcha + Collagen is the perfect partner to this rejuvenating spring energy.

The Spring Equinox isn’t just another day on the calendar. It’s a celebration of life and all its possibilities. It’s a time to release what no longer serves us, nurture our bodies, and embrace the potential of the season ahead. The energy of renewal is everywhere, ready for you to step into it with intention.

Let this be your season to bloom. 



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