Nourish. Rest. Move. Finding Balance in a Fast-paced Environment

Nourish. Rest. Move. Finding Balance in a Fast-paced Environment

Sophie and Louise founded Reset Days out of the need of creating somewhere for people to reenergise and practice self care. These two wonderful women have created a space for people to spend time concentrating on their own well-being and reconnecting their own needs. They have written in our Journal about their three main objectives in health and wellness: nourish, rest and move.

We've navigated our way through the past year in our own way - often overwhelmed with stress, anxiety and worry but sometimes with a more positive outlook. We’ve heard the word 'wellbeing' more times than we've heard Boris say ‘unprecedented’ (well ok, maybe not that many...). In a world where wellness advice and content can be quite frankly so overwhelming, all-consuming and mind-boggling, our aim at Reset is to keep it simple.

Reset was launched in 2019 and developed to fill a gap we saw in the wellness market to provide a space to re-energise, reconnect and practice self-care. Our events are created around our ethos of Nourish, Rest & Move and allows time to escape the normal routine, busy careers and everyday life to ‘reset’. Realistic, achievable, and accessible to all – a gentle inspirational nudge if you will, to help provide better lifestyle hacks to make you think of YOU. 

Here, we talk about all things that keep us (slightly) sane, things we cannot live without and things we are trying to do better – a realistic balance and very much a work in progress for us.

breakfast scene, porridge with cacao + collagen


We are fascinated with nutrition and work with many nutritionists at Reset. It’s one of our main objectives for people who come to our events. Nutrition doesn’t have to be complicated, you just need to know where to look and what to learn. We think the key to nutrition is finding what works for you! 

Being women of a certain age (a-hem) we need to make sure we’re nourishing our bodies with the right things in terms of hormone changes, bones, brain health, etc. 

More than ever, we actually feel more in control of what our body needs, but still working on it as our bodies change. One thing neither of us will miss out on and has absolutely become a daily ritual is Ancient + Brave’s True Collagen, added to our morning cuppa. So many benefits – skin, hair, nails as well as helping our joints and muscle growth (the Inspired Collagyn or Radiant Collagyn also tastes amazing added to smoothies).

Following an indulgent weekend (our wine and takeaways are here to stay) we aim to reset the following week by tweaking a few things to make sure our bodies are full of nutrients so we can feel our best. Prepping bowls of healthy salads and more balanced meals that take us through the week is a must. Knowing we have good food on tap, scheduling workouts each day to get us moving more, increasing our water intake, regularly taking apple cider vinegar (we love Willys), and for that extra necessary fuel in the tank we are never without Ancient + Brave’s True MCT oil blended with coffee (boom! - a miracle worker right there!).


It’s SO important. We’re both early risers so get loads done early, so our time to rest is generally in the evenings (usually find us bed-bound by 9 pm). A key component of wellbeing to us is a healthy mind and body and this means rest and relaxation. 

Being a reflexologist, our bodies need to have the chance for the rest and digest system to kick in, it simply can’t function on high energy all day often with a rise in cortisol levels due to our stressful, busy lives. As the lockdown eases, we’re all on the go again...somewhere along the line, we think that the busier we are the more successful we are. Wrong! In fact, aren’t we better if we feel recharged? 

Remember YOU come first before you can look after others.

Prioritise sleep – another interest of ours, - due to hormonal changes, sleep often changes and becomes more of a distant friend, (oh how we miss them, therefore, we have lots planned in the future with sleep therapists.
We are finding a balance between social occasions which we love and also knowing when to do nothing and leaving those diaries redundant. Take time to slow down. 

We listen to loads of podcasts as our way to escape, drown out kids and husbands. (We recommend good listens on our Instagram account each week, go check them out – some great laugh-out-loud ‘escapism’ suggestions)!

Yoga class by the sea. Exercise


Find something you love to do and you’ve got more chance of doing it. Simple. We LOVE to exercise, it keeps our mind healthy too. We are both fitness instructors (BOUNCE fitness, personal training and fitness class instructor) so we love to mix it up. We are huge Peloton fans because there is so much content from cycling and running to yoga and barre.

We are currently trying out less strenuous moves on our bodies - loving yoga, walking and stretching (hence the launch of our Reset walk club)! So good for our state of mind too. If you’re non-stop but love to fit in your exercise, try and plan your fitness slots for the week ahead – then you’ll have more chance of doing it. And aim to try something new! We love recommending new classes/trainers/quick HIIT sessions so check out our social. 

We strongly believe wellbeing and our own health has to be sustainable in order for us to reach a level of personal wellness. It’s a practice and on-going. 

Two women sat on wall by the sea


Try one of these each week...(remember small steps at a time):

  • A new exercise class OR exercise for 5/10 minutes longer than you usually would.
  • Try a new recipe.
  • Take ten minutes each day to just sit (or if you have longer, listen to a podcast).
  • Turn off your phone for up to an hour each day.

Written by Reset Days. For more information on future Reset events go to to book your spot.


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