Forming Wellness Rituals

Forming Wellness Rituals

We all know it takes time, patience and effort to form good habits. But where do we start? What should they be? How long is it going to take? We believe forming the right wellness rituals can have a significant impact on your overall physical and mental health. Finding the right strategy or habit to succeed and be consistent can be the most difficult part. 

The notion of “habit” can be found at the centre of philosophical debate and often in the topic of wellness. Once a habit is formed it grows into a ritual - an act or collection of words performed regularly without thinking about it. 

What is a ritual?

You might not have realised it but each of us have our own rituals already. These are the key moments in our day that happen just because. Perhaps it’s a morning coffee, a moment of stillness before the day begins with meditation or completing your skincare routine.

So let’s begin with understanding how to build rituals (and how your current ones work) to better your health, happiness, and life in general. There’s a lot of information out there which, to say the least, is incredibly overwhelming and difficult to digest. It’s easier to break things down in the hopes it motivates you to create positive changes in your life through optimising the use of rituals. 

How do you create a healthy habit?

To build habits to then progress into becoming your rituals, James Clear makes it incredibly simple and easy for us to break down and understand. His guide for creating good habits, the forefront subject of his book Atomic Habits, outlines a strategy we can all use. Sometimes the hardest place to start isn’t defining your habits, it’s gathering the motivation to stick to them. Here are some pointers from Clear to get us on our way:

  1. Start small - Think of something that you can bring into your life and add light to your day that requires little to no effort. Motivation tends to come in waves throughout the day so pick one you can do at whatever time. For example, rather than trying to read a book every two days, aim to read a chapter a night. In time, this will become a part of your night-time ritual that helps you unwind from the day. 
  2. Increase your habit little by little - Start small and grow to improve. You’ll find motivation and willpower increases over time encouraging your rituals to sink into your everyday routine. 
  3. Once you build up, break it into bite-size pieces - It’s important to maintain momentum throughout implementing a habit, momentum and willpower is key to forming rituals. You want to build up from 10 minutes of wild swimming into 20 minutes but struggling with finding the time? Break it down into two parts of 10 minutes in your day, maybe one at sunrise and the other at sunset to connect with oneself and Mother Earth.
  4. When the going gets tough and we fall, get up and back on track - If you find yourself wandering around aimlessly looking for your habits, or you’re out of sync with your rituals due to a tight work deadline, simply get back on track quickly to avoid losing progress. A good way to prevent this from happening is to expect the unexpected. Think about what factors in your day-to-day life could affect your ritual and how to work around it. “Focus on building the identity of someone who never misses a habit twice”.
  5. Have patience and sustain at a comfortable pace - Having patience is one of life’s hardest tests at times. Sometimes maintaining a new habit isn’t easy. It takes consistent motivation and discipline to repeat a particular action. We all naturally want to skip the hard work and reap the benefits, but try to have patience. Keep reminding yourself why you are investing your time in that habit. 

So, what now? Find time to connect with oneself and reflect on what rituals you would like to introduce to your routine, as well as those you currently hold. Are you setting yourself up for success? Ensure you’re making the process of creating positive habits and rituals successful and a pleasure to uphold. If you’re ready for more, maybe try adding a new habit or ritual into the mix - this is called habit stacking. The purpose of habit stacking is to demonstrate how to develop a successful, simple routine (managed either by a checklist) that you use on a daily basis without having to experience the effects of a heavy cognitive load because of the ease of following a checklist. A lot of the time the fewer the tools the more motivated and consistent we become, regardless of feeling stressed or burnt out. 

Cacao Ceremony


Find a new ritual

If you’re feeling up for adding something to a ritual similar to my morning sequence, have a look into the nutritional formulas here on the website to enhance your hot, or cold, morning cup of goodness. Whether that’s adding True Collagen to your coffee, matcha, tea, whatever floats your boat, will add a little something to your day creating a positive impact to your health and wellness. Not your vibe and want to try something new with smooth chocolate flavours, a Cacao Ritual or Cacao Ceremony, delves into opening your heart and guides you through transformational consciousness shifts packed full of vitamins and minerals. The Cacao + Collagen can be used to incorporate this ritual and ceremony into your routine, possibly becoming one of the most relaxing, mindful parts of your day. 

To make sure you have everything you need, thinking ahead plays a key part in maintaining consistency and being successful. Having the responsibility to remember the products, foods, supplements, etc can become a barrier and simply too much to keep track of. To support your daily rituals and wellbeing strategy, we now offer single product and bundle subscriptions. Keep your new ritual simple and make sure you’re never without your favourite products.

Further reading:

  1. Giovagnoli, R., (2018). From Habits to Rituals: Rituals as Social Habits. Open Information Science, 2(1), pp.181-188.
  2. Clear, J. (2021). How To Build New Habits: This is Your Strategy Guide. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 27 July 2021].
  3. Clear, J. (2021). How To Build New Habits: This is Your Strategy Guide. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 27 July 2021].
  4. Scott, S.J. (2015). Habit Stacking 97 Small Changes that Take Five Minutes Or Less, Oldtown Publishing.


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